Thursday, June 29, 2006

Moving Out

So some people came up to me one night while I was standing in their kitchen and offered to have me stay at their house during the month of July. I thought that seemed slightly silly, as why would I live somewhere, for free, when I'm currently living somewhere else, in the same city, also for free. Regardless, them being friends and leaving on a motorcycle/camping trip for a month, I said I'd think about it.

After presenting it to my parents, who had slight hesistations, I decided that moving out would be a terrific thing to do, for the following reason(s): why not?

With that in mind, I announce to you that yes, I will in fact be moving out of my humble basement hole to a much larger house with a media room. So, if you want to come over and watch sattelite tv with me, you are more than welcome. I guess this means that my mother will no longer offer to feed me when I come home from work, but I guess this also means that I finally will have the weight of responsibly back upon my shoulders.

While living at college, you get used to having to be responsible for your own actions. Now, it doesn't matter. I don't have to clean anything, it will be cleaned by someone else. I don't have to pick anything up, someone else will. I don't have to worry about what time I gotta be at work, or what time I'll be home. I don't have to worry, or be responsible, for anything while living here. I have a safety net. Strangely enough, I hate that. I need to be responsible for my actions to mean anything. Otherwise I live in this daze of nothingness, where things happen or they don't, and either way I'll be fed and warm at the end of the night.

Speaking of warm, it's gotten terribly hot here in Kelowna. We live in a conventional oven, and everyone keeps rubbing butter over themselves. The air smells like slow-cooked human. It's gross.

Also, to keep you amused as you finish this blog, let me attach one photo that I took the night after I watched Superman Returns, I think. I was sitting in the parking lot of Denny's, wondering if others were coming to discuss the movie as they said they would. No one was there yet, so I was perplexed. Eventually I went to check inside, and I saw a sign that said the kitchen was closed for the night. Depressed, I left, alone. But not before I took this picture.

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