Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Girl

So I alluded to a girl a few posts back. Relationally-wise-ish. So here's the deal. I have a girlfriend. For the first time in my life, I have a girlfriend. I'm a boyfriend. I'm someone's boyfriend. Weird. I'm not single. I'm "taken". If you can't tell, this is odd for me. I'm not used to being anything other than single and sometimes looking. I'm not anymore. I'm done looking. I have found. Waldo would be proud.

Two days ago I asked her if she would like to be my girlfriend. Almost immediately she lept into my arms, her body weight causing me to fall backwards onto the ground (I was not physically injured, dear reader, as I was already sitting). Eventually she also said "yes", which I had assumed given the reaction.

This comes after three weeks of the awkward "i-know-you're-interested-but-we-just-really-met-so-lets-not-date-just-yet" phase. Ah, what good times.
So yeah. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I'm too in shock to think of what to say.


raych said...

i am beyond thrilled. congrats.

Michael LaRoy said...

same-ies. Way to go, stud! Pics? For some reason whatever you had posted I could not see.