Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Titled Meaning

I question the grammatical veracity of my own title. Should it, perhaps, be "The Meaning of the Title"? Potentially, yes. I chose to ignore it. Ignorance, I have found, is truly blissful. Whoever said that first was definitely not wrong.

The title in question today, however, stems not from this post itself, but from the blog as it's entirity. "Quote GoAT" it reads, as I wrote awhile back. "Quote GoAT".

I am amused, for it rhymes.

How arrogant I must seem, to assume that you, dear reader, would find my work worthy of quoting. What I write, the title proclaims, is so dastardly awesome that you, the reader, will feel compelled to not only reveal the blog to another but in fact reveal verbatim exactly what I wrote. For it is only in these words, I assume, that the entirity of my message will be made clear.

Quotes are a fantastic thing. Often we take quotes from various writers and place them upon the soon discarded dust jacket of a well known hardcover book. These words, we say, will summarize the book for you. These words, we write, will intrigue your mind to the point where you are forced to purchase the book and read the remainder. Alongside these words we place other quotes of other, perhaps similar, well known writers to verify and recommend the contents. Sometimes we quote dead people, reducing their lives to fragmented sentances that reveal something profound about human nature, or life, or science, or love.

Here's a question I feel compelled to put forth. If a sentence can summarize a book, why bother writing the rest? Just write the one sentence, and publish that. Game, set, match. If the only thing you're going to be remembered for is a single sentence, why bother speaking after you've said it? And before you've said it, why are you talking? Shouldn't you be thinking of the sentence that will be attached to your name for eternity?

I think the only way we can find our quote is to spew such trash out that we have nothing left but gems. Or perhaps in the midst of your verbal vomit you'll find you coughed up a diamond ring or shiny topaz. How is one to test the quality of their quote unless they speak about it continually?

So, should I be that guy that quietly occassionally speaks deep profound truth? Or should I be that guy that speaks my mind fluently, unedited, without conscious.


In public, even a fool that stays silent will be considered wise. However, in the dark of my dorm with naught by the monitor glow illuminating my being, I will spew as much as necessary. And then, dear reader, once I am done, I will transmit the quality chuckies to you.

1 comment:

Ben said...

Would you not be writing this under the harsh glow of the computer labs flourescent lights?
Or the muted glow of the student lounge lights? Am I the only one reading this?