Thursday, April 27, 2006

Job Hunt: Day Three

Day Three begins in a remarkably similiar manner as Day Two. Nothing happening.

Yesterday I did go to the dentist, however. For the first time in my life, I drove to the dentist by myself, went in by myself, paid, and left. All by myself. It certainly wasn't a terrible or traumatizing thing - I can do plenty of things all by myself now that I'm a big boy. It's just that I've never done that before. I feel all growed up.

I got my tooth fixed while I was there. About a month ago I chipped/snapped/generally broke my tooth at a concert down in Seattle. Anberlin/Emery show. Really good show. The tooth breaking made it all the better. It was, in fact, the Tooth and Nail Tour. It was fitting. I was in the pit, of the mosh variety, and there was plenty of crowd surfing. I was trying to get to the front because Anberlin was going to be playing next, and I wanted a good view. After some tool decided that it would be a good idea to break my finger, I decided against going that close to the front. Then my head hurt, and I felt weird pieces in my mouth. Basically, someone was crowd surfing, their heel came down on the top of my head, and my teeth came together. The bottom front right one broke. I left the pit, took the pieces out of my mouth, and put them in my pocket.

I forgot to bring those pieces with me to the dentist.

So the dentist first got to freeze my face up (just my lip though - I felt everything else they did to my tooth. Friggin' hurt). Then he ripped a piece of my tooth out. It was broken but still stuck in the gum, apparently. It's weird to see that much blood come out of my mouth. I watched the blood dry on his glove for the rest of the procedure. He drilled some things, blew very cold water on the barely hidden nerve, etc, etc. It took about an hour. I've had worse.

So anyways, today I'm going to be even less productive than yesterday. At least yesterday I got my tooth fixed. Today, well, I'll probably just make a list of places I ought to be going to and dropping my resume off at. We'll see if I get around to it. Sigh.

I hate being here.

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