Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Another Checkbox Marked Off

The other night I had a great idea. It was rainy and gross outside, about 8 or 9 in the evening, and I wanted to go puddle jumping. My roommate Ben was quickly behind the idea, and our friend Lori was eventually convinced. Her brother was visiting for the weekend (sweetest kid EVER) and he decided to come along as well. So we got changed into our trashy clothes and ran around in the rain, dancing in puddles and kicking water at each other. We found a grassy section of puddles, and proceeded to dive headfirst into them, splashing and sliding for many meters of goodness glory. We also wrestled on the field, trying to get as many grass stains as possible. I was hoping for blood, but alas, we failed.

We also ran to the nearby library, where they have more grass (glee!) as well as a fountain of sweet goodness. We engaged in such bleached, chlorinated water, completely soaking our fully clothed bodies in it's sickeningly cold goodness. It was awesome.

We then stood around and tried to pee ourselves. Lori did first, for which I am still jealous. I, however, peed the most, making it so that it could be visibly seen dripping from my pant leg into my shoe.



Robyn Bishop said...

Alan, I hope you get this by the 4th... if you want a ride in for the Laureate show, let me know because I will be in Abbotsford to pick up a friend for said show.
Also, props for puddle jumping because it is oh so fun!

Michael LaRoy said...

No, Daunavan is back home that weekend, unfortunately. Please be available and bring LOTS of people!!