Friday, March 16, 2007

You Know You Have a Good MSN Name When....

This is the second conversation that it has inspired. Again, slightly edited. This time I gave myself bold. My blog, my thoughts.

Matt D says:
I thought about giving up coffee for lent
Matt D says:
then I laughed at myself and poured another mug
GoAT says:
GoAT says:
***** gave up ****.
GoAT says:
except on Sundays.
Matt D says:
yeah well
Matt D says:
if ***** can give up ****
Matt D says:
**** can definitely giveup *****
GoAT says:
I just find that people give up things for lent that they really should've given up a long time ago already. They just want to use lent as an excuse to better themselves.
GoAT says:
Not to identify with the suffering of Christ.
Matt D says:
hahahaha I heard a thing on the radio about people giving up sex for lnet
GoAT says:
yeah, I know a guy that gave up premarital sex for lent.
GoAT says:
I don't know any married couples that have given up sex for lent. I think that would be difficult.
GoAT says:
unless your sex life is really bad, ha!
Matt D says:
wow thats soo amazing of him .... lame
Matt D says:
hahaha are you kidding, I could never give up sex .... once Im married
Matt D says:
I'd have to be like , ok i am moving far far away until easter
Matt D says:
then I will be back
GoAT says:
It depends. I know that there's biblical basis for temporarily giving up sex for spiritual purposes. So, say the marriage is having a rough time, you give up sex and replace it with fasting (from sex) and praying.
GoAT says:
Sure, it would be hard, but it is not about your physical pleasure, you know?
GoAT says:
It's about physical displeasure.. to identify with Christ...
GoAT says:
and boy, does our culture need a little of that.
Matt D says:
hmmm is it actualy displeasure though
Matt D says:
I can see if sex becomes a routine and has lost its erotic nature yes forsure
GoAT says:
Is what actually displeasure? Not having sex?
Matt D says:
giving up something to "better" a relationship with Christ
Matt D says:
to the world, yeah giving up something you like is displeasure
GoAT says:
yes yes! It is physical displeasure, right? I mean, there's a huge argument for giving up the physical things being spiritually benefical, or spiritually pleasurable, right? I mean, look at history's examples of asceticism.
GoAT says:
so yes, in one sense it is displeasure, but in another it is pleasure.
GoAT says:
but, of course, this is where we run into the risk of gnosticism.
Matt D says:
yes, that is what I was attempting to put into words
Matt D says:
isn'ts that kind of dualistic though? or maybe Im wrong
GoAT says:
good! that's exactly what I was saying about gnosticism. The seperation of the body and the soul, of which our culture (espceially men) are very guilty.
GoAT says:
I think it ought to be a fundemental Christian belief, and I think there's scriptural support for this, to say that our bodies and our souls are linked (hence no sexual immorality, abstience from food sacrificed to idols, etc. take care of body stuff)

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