Sunday, September 16, 2007

Hell In A Handbasket

To "going to hell in a handbasket" is a phrase that essentially describes a situation going from bad to worse. The origins of this phrase are unclear, however, there have been documented phrases that are similar, such as "going to heaven in a wheelbarrow".

I want to go to heaven in a wheelbarrow. Someone push me!

Anyways, the last two weeks could be described as pretty hellish. I've basically disappointed most everyone that I know and love. That's always a good way to bring depression upon oneself. Other calamities include: my PC's motherboard, which I so dearly loved (see: 2006 blog posts), decided that I had punished her enough over the last three years and went to be with the Lord. The bunkbed that I had sitting in storage all summer refused to vanquish the bedbug infestation of April '06; thereby forcing me and my roommates to sleep on the floor for a couple of days. Also, my roommates eat my pickles, and by jolly that just ain't right.

Regardless, not all things are bad.

For the past number of years (read: 9) I've tried to be better at schoolwork. It is not that I'm poor at academics; far from it. What I do lack is the discipline to put my full effort into assignements. Ever since highschool I've been finishing homework at the last possible minute. I clearly remember sitting in the hallway, eating my kaiser bun sandwich, writing out the answers to my Chemistry questions, or throwing down a 500 word historical essay on the library computers in thirty minutes at lunch. Every year I'd promise myself that I'd do better this year.

Except, of course, grade 12, where David (best friend) and I actually decided that we'd slack off as much as possible and still graduate. Which we did. I took three classes and he did trades work.

Regardless, this trend continued through college. I'd wait until 11pm to start writing a 5 page paper, finish around 2:30AM, and hand it in the next morning. The very idea of "proof reading" was laughable.

Yet, things change.

I'm proud to announce that, this year, I've finished every assignment ahead of time. I'm "working ahead" in classes. I'm actually reading the books for book reviews! Sweet mercy hallelujah; praise Jesus himself I have been redeemed!

Well, so far anyways. It's only been one week, really. But, there's been so much other stuff occupying my time (see: paragraph 3) that I have no choice but to be studious. Oh, and losing my PC meant I got a laptop, and it's a MAC at that, and it's old, because I'm poor, so I suddenly don't have as much opportunity to watch: Heroes, The Daily Show, The colbert Report, that painter guy, all 9 seasons for Seinfield, friends, Scrubs, the Office, Chuck, Dexter, House, Grey's Anatomy, or a movie or two. Or thirty.

Pray for me. I'm practically starving for media, to the point where I'm downloading Vintage 242 podcasts to keep myself entertained.

1 comment:

Adam said...

i might be in the same boat.

the busy/love/dislike/papers life that is school.