Thursday, May 11, 2006

Now In Color!

You should check me out.

This is what I wear to work everyday. Yeah, I have a work outfit. It's pretty smokin'. I've worn the same pair of years to work every single day. I've slowly amassed a fairly decent collection of filth upon their thigh region, resulting in a popular "anti-faded" effect. At least, I pretend it's popular.

And yes, I get to wear a radio all day long. It's awesome.

Things I have said into the radio:

"Roger that"

"Uh, that's a negative. I'm going to need backup on this one"


Most of those are variations on CounterStrike radio commands. Yeah, I'm a geek.

Things I wish I have said into the radio:

"Rrr.....oger that, Delta Five. ETA is aproximately twentythree seconds and counting, over"

"Man down! Man down!"

The sweet mic radio attachment thing is new. Before I just had the handheld transmitter. But now I plug the sweet dealie into my transmitter, and I throw the big sucker on the back of my belt. Then I just clip on and rock out. I feel like it's similar to achieving an "epic" item in WoW, except, more real.

I also got my sweet leatherman on my hip there. It comes in handy often. Sometimes I'm like, "sweet dude, I gots to cut stuff open.. Leatherman away!" (said, of course, in the voice of homestarrunner). I got it as a gift for my sixteenth birthday party from my Aunt and Uncle, who's house "The Left" stayed at during their most recent tour. That Aunt is out visiting my parents for their 25th Wedding Anniversary, and brought her friend, who's nephews I had class with at CBC. We all went out for dinner tonight, and I told them about the time I saw a zombie. Yes, I stood up and did the appropriate actions.

What else do I have on my sweet body...

My shoes are awesome, but they have holes in them. So on days like today, when it rains and pours and rains some more, I get wet feet. That makes me sad, but not all the time. Sometimes it results in me dancing about in the rain, putting away carts while the fleeing customers take snapshots, while I sing U2, loud and proud.

Some other times I use those shoes for dancing. For customers. I haven't gotten them to tip me though... not yet...

Anyways, that's what I wear to work. It's pretty nifty.

1 comment:

ChrisTopher said...

you're hawt.
I think you should go to the VV botique and find some new pants :P